The best of Karl Jenkins – Symphonic Adiemus
The event is part of the 27th International Nova Music and Architecture Festival in Toruń, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, 2023.
The event is part of the project "Kuyavia + Pomerania - promotion of the region's economic potential - edition II".
The event is part of the Per Musicam ad Astra 10th International Copernicus Choir Festival & Competition
The Toruń Symphony Orchestra
Astrolabium Choir (choir preparation - Kinga Litowska)
Chór Akademicki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (choir preparation - Irina Bogdanovich)
Dainius Pavilionis – conductor
Aneta Derkowska - host
K. Jenkins – Symphonic Adiemus
Prepare yourself for an evening of unforgettable musical experimentation! The concert’s central theme revolves around a unique but well-known project, Adiemus, initiated by the renowned composer K. Jenkins, who has garnered a devoted following among music enthusiasts. Born in 1995, this visionary concept immediately embraced the essence of the new age movement. Adiemus emerged as a daring endeavour to combine ethnic music, particularly accentuating percussion elements, with the long-standing traditions of European classical music. The project showcases a range of innovative elements, including a choir vocalizing lyrics in an invented language devised by the composer himself. The tremendous popularity of this audacious venture led to the orchestration of its most remarkable compositions and the inclusion of mixed choirs. These adaptations transformed the ambitious project into a mesmerizing artistic performance that attracts vast audiences on stages around the globe.
Mecenas Główny: Gmina Miasta Toruń
Partner Główny: Samorząd Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego
Wydarzenie odbywa się w ramach projektu „Kujawy + Pomorze - promocja potencjału gospodarczego regionu - edycja II"
Mecenas Kultury - Główny Sponsor: PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A.
Mecenasi: Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych S.A. oraz marki: Seni i Bella, Urbitor Spółka z o.o.
Partnerzy: Vobacom Sp. z o.o., Uzdrowisko Ciechocinek S.A. producent wody mineralnej "Krystynka"
Organizator: Toruńska Orkiestra Symfoniczna
![Krajowa Grupa Spożywcza, Polski Cukier, Polskie Przetwory](/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/2023-06/logotyp%20Polski%20Cukier.png?itok=FZOT-kAJ)